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HTML5 Boilerplate

HTML5 Boilerplate or h5bp is a popular front-end template. This tool is a set of front-end rules that perfectly meets the needs of a developer who wants to start his project quickly and cleanly without having to...

Useful SEO modules for Drupal 8

Drupal offers you effective SEO modules to optimize the natural referencing of your website. Here are 4 modules that will give you a good basis for your site to be found by search engines...

Get a shell with the owner of a project with Apache-ITK

Logging in as owner of the Apache-ITK project (see here) is a module that allows you to have one user and one group per VirtualHost. Having to reset rights every time you modify the project is a bit...

SEO or Search Engin Optimization

SEO or Search Engin Optimization is the set of techniques to optimize the content of a website for search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo).

Checking the integrity of an EA repository

This article details the use and interest of a very important feature of administering an EA repository, namely check

Validation of a "HiddenType" field with Symfony 3 (and jquery-validate)

Sometimes we have a "HiddenType" field in a Symfony 3 form and this field is completed with a step outside the form (

Using a service with an entity in Symfony 3

If you have a habit of using an ORM inspired by the "active record" design pattern and you have switched to Symfony 3

Update a property of a Vuejs component which is used with v-for

Imagine you want to create a list with Vuejs.

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